Friday, December 12, 2014

Sorachi Wheat

Sorachi Wheat

Brew Date: 12/12/14
Bottle Date: 1/24/15

**1 gal batch**
~1.33 lbs Briess Wheat DME

.5 oz Columbus at 60 min
1 oz Sorachi Ace at 15-0 min continuous

Safale s-04 Ale Yeast

OG: 1.055
FG: ???? (spilled test cylinder)
ABV: ???? (probably 5-6%)

Tasted like shit, fail brew.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Uncle Gary's IPA

Uncle Gary's IPA

Brew Date: 12/6/14
Bottle Date: 1/2/15

**5 gal batch**

Specialty Grains:
1 lb Briess Caramel 60L Malt

8.5 lbs Briess Pilsen Light DME

2 oz Columbus at 60 minutes
1 oz US Willamette at 15 minutes
.75 oz Simcoe at 5 minutes
.75 oz New Zealand Nelson Sauvin at 5 minutes
.5 oz US Willamette at 5 minutes
1.5 oz Columbus at 14 days
1 oz Chinook at 14 days
1 oz Nugget at 14 days
.5 oz US Willamette at 14 days
.25 oz New Zealand Nelson Sauvin at 14 days
.25 oz Simcoe at 14 days

White Labs California Ale (w/ Starter)

OG: 1.085
FG: 1.013
ABV: 9.45%

Notes:  Majority of bottles not carbonated after 3 weeks.  Attempted rescue method with 3 bottles by shaking small portion of dry champagne yeast into bottles and recapping 1/24/2015. Opened on the 3 bottles 1/31/2015 to perfect carbonation and taste.  Began rescue method with remainder of bottles but opened 5 in a row that sounded perfectly carbonated upon opening, so I simply recapped them and stuck in fridge. Now I'm just confused...

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

My Funny Valentine - Imperial Belgian Chocolate Stout

My Funny Valentine 
Imperial Belgian Chocolate Stout

Brew Date: 11/11/14
Bottle Date: 1/17/15

**3.5 gal batch**

Specialty Grains:
1 lb Briess Black Malt
1 lb Pale Chocolate Malt
.5 lb Crystal 60L


6.6 lbs Briess Traditional Dark LME
1 lb Briess Pilsner Light DME
1 lb Light Belgian Candi Sugar

1 oz UK Kent Golding at 60 minutes
.5 oz UK Challenger at 60 minutes
.5 oz UK Challengre at 5-15 minutes
1 oz UK Kent Golding at 5-15 minutes

White Labs Belgian Ale
Wyeast Belgian Strong

2 Habaneros and 1/2 lb Cacao Nibs (soaked in vodka**) added to secondary, 1/18/14

OG: 1.098
FG: 1.022
ABV: 10%**

Monday, October 20, 2014

Smokin' Hop Pale Kolsch

Smokin' Hop Pale Kolsch

Brew Date: 10/20/14
Bottle Date: 11/08/14

Specialty Grains:

1 lb Weyerman Oak Smoked Pale Wheat


7 lbs Briess Pilsen Light DME
.75 lbs Briess Bavarian Wheat DME

2 oz Saaz.  1 oz at 60, 1 oz continuous
1 oz Hallertau at 60 minutes
1 oz Hersbrucker at 10-15 minutes
1 oz UK Kent Golding at 5-15 minutes

Safbrew S-33 dry yeast
Wyeast Kolsch

OG: 1.074
FG: 1.015
ABV: 7.74%

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Double Down IPA

Double Down IPA

Brew Date: 4/30/14
Bottle Date: 6/7/14


3.3 lbs Briess Munich LME
4 lbs Briess PIlsen Light DME
.75 lbs Briess Golden Light DME

3 oz Nugget continuous at 90-5 minutes 1/2
3 oz Chinook continuous at 45-5 minutes

WL California Ale Yeast (w/ starter)

OG: 1.076
FG: 1.017
ABV: 7.74%

Saturday, March 29, 2014


Name: Ryebbey

Brew Date: 3/29/14
Bottle Date: 4/26/14


3.3 lbs Munich LME
3.3 lbs Rye malt syrup
1 lb CBW Bavarian Wheat DME
1 lb CBW Golden Light DME

Specialty Grains:
.5 lb Briess Caramel 80
4 oz Chocolate Rye

1 oz Sterling (Alpha 7.0% Beta 5.0%), 1/2 at 60 minutes 1/2 at 30 minutes
1 oz German Tettnang (Alpha 3.9% Beta 5.0%) at 40 minutes
1 oz Willamette (Alpha 5.3% Beta 3.7%) at 15 minutes

WL Abbey Ale Yeast

OG: 1.068
FG: 1.020
ABV: 6.3%

Originally named Munchenroggen inspired by munich malts and bavarian wheat with a lot of rye, but renamed Ryebbey upon taste because she's all about the abbey ale yeast but with a great rye flavor.